pp108 : Selecting Business Process Events

Selecting Business Process Events

This topic describes the procedure to select Business Process Events for Monitoring.

You need to select the Business Process as a source to define a Business Event to perform real-time monitoring. You need to select the Activity and Business Process events from the selected Business Process that are crucial for business and which, you would like to monitor, only after selecting the Business Process.

  1. Click to select a business process. The Select Process dialog appears, displaying all the Business Processes. Select a process and click OK.
    • If you select a Business Process from a run-time reference for which, there is no Message Filter configured on it, then a message, "Message Filter not defined on the selected process. Only standard attributes will be available" appears.
    • If you select a Business Process for which there is no Message Filter configured on it, then a message, "Message Filter not defined on the selected process. Only standard attributes will be available. Message filter(s) can be created in the Business Process Model editor" appears.
    • If you select a Business Process for which Message Filter is configured, then a message, "Message Filter(s) defined on the selected process. They can be edited in the Business Process Model editor" appears.
    • While creating the business process model for an activity, if you clear the Configure Monitoring on Process Level check box, then you cannot monitor that activity from BAM. The Message Filter concept is applicable only on publish of the Message Filter. The Message Filter is published only if the Message Filter is used in a Business Event Response and if that Business Event Response is published. If the same Message Filter is used in multiple Business Event Responses, then at least one Business Event Response must be published to apply the message filter.
      If you have selected a Business Process while creating a Business Event Response, and after selecting the Business Process Model, if you have modified the Message Filter in the Business Process Model, the changes made in the Message Filter will not reflect until you select a Business Process once again. If the Message Filter is modified or updated in the Business Process Model, then at least one Business Event Response, where this message filter is used, must be published to get the modifications.
      The Business Process name appears in Business Process and all the Activity Events for the selected Business Process appear under Events. For example, Activity Start and Activity End.


      1. This is required to get attributes of the process available at that particular activity state. Attributes are needed to frame the business condition and activity states such as activity start and activity end is needed for triggering point of an action associated with the business condition. For example, in an Order-to-Cash process, there are three activities namely Register Order, Get Credit Rating, and Approval by Manager. Attributes like ProductID, Quantity, and so on are available at the Activity start of the 'Register Order' activity. At that point of time, attributes such as Credit Rating are not available and are available only at the Activity End of the 'Get Credit Rating' activity. Using the Quantity attribute (available at RegisterOrder_Start event), a business condition can be framed such as Quantity > 200 and an action 'Send Notification or Email' can be associated to it. Therefore, if an order request comes for Quantity > 200 (at RegisterOrder_Start event), then the associated action 'Send Notification' or 'Email' is triggered. If ProductID is not selected while message filtering in process, then it will not be available for selection at 'Register Order' Activity Start.
      2. Monitoring of the activity events is not possible for short-lived processes.
  2. Select the Show Business Process Readonly View check box to view the selected Business Process in the 'read-only' mode. The selected Business Process Model is displayed in the 'read-only' mode on the right pane. This property is not stored when the document is stored. Users need to select this property each time they open the document to view the the process model.
  3. Select the required business event or events.
  4. Click Next to select the process or activity attributes, related to the Process or Activity Events, as the second step in the creation of a Business Event. The Select Attributes page appears with the selected Activity Events, and the Process Events, by default, on the left pane under the Events section.

    On selection of a Process or Activity Event under the Events section, the relevant Process or Activity Attributes are displayed on the Attributes Selection pane.

The Business Process events are selected.

Related concepts

Message Filtering

Related tasks

Configuring Message Filters
Selecting a Business Process
Selecting Business Process Attributes
Selecting Business Process Event Attributes
Selecting Contextual Information
Modeling an Email for a Business Event Response

Related reference

Message Filter Interface